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Results 1 - 10 of 47 Search Tips

Involving service users and carers in the education of mental health nurses

01 December 2006

Mental Health Practice


Over the last two decades, there has been a drive to include service users and carers, patients and public in the commissioning, design, delivery and evaluation of...

Implementing simulated practice learning for nursing students

20 January 2010

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The learning and teaching of clinical skills for pre-registration nurses are currently high profile in the nursing arena, with clinical skills a central component of...

Pre-registration children’s and young people’s nurse preparation. A SWOT analysis

01 December 2006

Paediatric Nursing


An investigation was undertaken into the views of nurse educators on current approaches to preparing children’s and young people’s nurses in the UK. A convenience...

Basic life support and children with profound and multiple learning disabilities

01 October 2008

Paediatric Nursing


Nurses and other carers of people with learning disabilities must be able to manage choking events and perform basic life support effectively. UK guidelines for...

How to make good children’s nurses: children’s views

01 June 2008

Paediatric Nursing


A consultation was held to seek children’s views on how to make better children’s nurses to influence a new curriculum. In one-to-one sessions, ten hospitalised...

Build a nurse!

01 March 2005

Learning Disability Practice

Practice & Research

Historically the thoughts and opinions of people who have a learning disability have not influenced the development of the services provided for them. O’Brien...

Turning students’ ideas into service improvements

08 March 2011

Learning Disability Practice


In accordance with the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement’s aims, service improvement projects were introduced into the curriculum of learning disability...

Drafting a new curriculum for pre-registration nursing

01 October 2010

Mental Health Practice


This article discusses the background to devising the new pre-registration curriculum for mental health nursing. A symposium was held with the intention that its...

Does ageism still exist in nurse education?

28 May 2015

Nursing Older People

Art & Science

Worldwide demographic changes mean that older people represent a significant group of patients for nurses everywhere. Ageism is increasingly recognised as an issue...

Implementing a nursing model for ward-based students

09 October 1996

Nursing Standard


The inclusion of nursing models in nursing curricula is part of a larger change in the approach to nurse education which is linked to nursing's apparent desire for...