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Results 1 - 10 of 51 Search Tips

Expanding student learning using patient pathways

22 September 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article examines the first stages of a project to address problems in the quality of students’ clinical experience after consultation with senior nurses at a...

Supporting mentors in practice

06 June 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article describes one university’s efforts to provide support for mentors in clinical practice by introducing learning community education advisers. It outlines...

The role of the nurse specialist in placement education

11 August 2010

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Changes in health service provision have created a shortage of practice placements for pre-registration nursing students on acute hospital wards. However, high...

Supporting clinical skills developments

12 May 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The provision of clinical skills facilities in nursing and medical education centres has become more common (Bradley and Postlethwaite 2003, Ker et al 2003, Scott...

Professional development and the role of mentorship

25 June 2008

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article reviews the concept of mentorship in nursing and explores the role and responsibilities of the mentor in enhancing the learning experience of nursing...

Introducing first-year student placements in critical care

08 February 2012

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Pre-registration nurse education requires students to spend 50% of their programme in clinical practice. The intensive care unit (ICU) is an area that could...

Orientation to student placements: needs and benefits

01 February 2007

Paediatric Nursing


A review of evidence on the benefits and challenges of student orientation is used in this article alongside experiences of orientation days on a children’s ward to...

Supporting mentors in clinical practice

01 December 2009

Paediatric Nursing


Students who entered training as of September 2007 are required to have a ‘sign-off mentor’ in their final clinical placement to register with the Nursing and...

Nursing student perspectives on a quality learning environment in general practice

29 May 2018

Primary Health Care


General practice continues to increase in use as a placement area for nursing students in England. Introducing new general practice placements requires intensive...

Classroom conflict

07 December 2005

Nursing Standard


While the emphasis in nurse training has shifted from the ward to the classroom, a rift has appeared between those who approve of a heavily academic approach and...