Results 1 - 6 of 6 Search Tips

Safe internet access for service users

30 March 2015

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

People with learning disabilities have historically been marginalised from mainstream society, and have had limited choice and control over their lives. While...

Safeguarding people with learning disabilities

08 February 2011

Learning Disability Practice


Safeguarding is an important role for learning disability nurses and other professionals. Their clients have increased vulnerability for many reasons, requiring...

Spiritual calling

16 June 2009

Nursing Standard

General article

The idea that patients’ spiritual needs should be incorporated into nursing care is supported by literature and policy.

Open AccessVulnerability and risk in children living with a physical disability

09 December 2014

Nursing Children and Young People

Art & Science

Children are identified as a vulnerable group in need of a degree of safeguarding. About 6% of children in the UK have a disability, which can increase their level...

Developing patient rapport, trust and therapeutic relationships

09 August 2017

Nursing Standard


Rapport is established at the first meeting between the patient and nurse, and is developed throughout the therapeutic relationship. However, challenges can arise...

Responding to vulnerability in old age: patient-centred care

31 October 2012

Nursing Standard


Patient-centred care is a term widely used in health policy and is familiar to staff as a principle or commonly agreed approach to care. However, nursing and...