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Assessment and management of abdominal obesity in patients with type 2 diabetes

28 February 2007

Nursing Standard


Cardiometabolic risk factors increase the likelihood of an individual developing metabolic and cardiovascular disease. Individuals with abdominal obesity are at...

Obesity and surgical approaches to its treatment in the UK

01 June 2006

Cancer Nursing Practice


Overweight and obesity are now known to increase the risk of developing several cancers including breast, colon, oesophageal, endometrial (Bianchini 2002). Once...

Obesity management

11 August 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Recent national initiatives to reduce the numbers of people classified as obese appear to have failed. Norma Crombie summarises some current thinking on the subject...

Effective dietary interventions for overweight and obese children

09 January 2008

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This information on best practice discusses the evidence on dietary interventions for children and adolescents who are overweight and obese. The article has been...

Nutrition and diabetes

01 July 2003

Primary Health Care


This article considers the diagnosis and management of the increasing incidence of diabetes

Tackling childhood obesity

01 May 2009

Primary Health Care


HENRY, or Health, Exercise, Nutrition for the Really Young, is a series of training courses designed to help practitioners who work with families and young children...

Understanding childhood obesity

06 June 2009

Primary Health Care


Levels of childhood obesity in Plymouth have increased since 1995. In 2005 a significant association was found with deprivation. A citywide strategy was suggested to...

Drastic measures

08 December 2009

Nursing Standard


The number of surgical procedures for obesity in the NHS has increased by 40 per cent in a year. However, primary care follow-up could improve.

Empowerment for adults with chronic mental health problems and obesity

06 June 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Obesity is a major health risk and a common problem among people with mental health problems. This article examines the role of empowerment within a health promotion...

Skin problems in people with obesity

12 May 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To establish the level and type of skin problems in people with obesity and the extent to which they sought advice on their problem. Method A self-report survey...