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Pressure sores: assessing the risk

01 March 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical pressure sores

The author describes a project which attempted to tally the patients at risk of pressure sores in a medical admissions ward with the resources available to prevent...

Principles of acute pain assessment

01 February 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical pain

The human experience of acute pain has many dimensions, and the resulting expression of pain is a complex interplay of these dimensions. The widely accepted gate...

Measuring muscle tone and movement

21 June 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical disability

Abnormal or altered muscle tone in the neurologically damaged patient presents major problems for restoring motor function. Many nursing interventions, such as...

Menorrhagia: care and treatment

03 May 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical women’s health

Approximately one tenth of women in this country experience menorrhagia. This can cause considerable discomfort, distress and curtailment of lifestyle. Hysterectomy...

Matter over mind: physical wellbeing for people with severe mental illness

01 July 2004

Mental Health Practice

Health promotion

Mental health workers have a huge responsibility in terms of maintaining the balance between the mental and physical health of people who have a serious mental...

Assessment and accreditation system improves patient safety

01 November 2012

Nursing Management


In 2008, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust introduced a ward-based performance assessment framework, the Nursing Assessment and Accreditation System, which is...

Phantom limb pain: a nursing perspective

03 September 2014

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Phantom limb pain (PLP) is a neuropathic pain condition occurring after amputation of a limb. PLP affects amputees’ quality of life and results in loss of...

The effect of skin conditions on patients’ quality of life

03 November 2010

Nursing Standard


Skin conditions can adversely affect many aspects of patients’ lives. The quality of life for people with skin conditions such as psoriasis, atopic eczema and acne...

Identifying individuals who might benefit from genetic services and information

30 October 2013

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This is the second in a series of articles on genetics. This article focuses on competency 1 of the revised framework for genetics/genomics for nurses. The authors...

Skin integrity assessment in neonates and children

01 April 2004

Paediatric Nursing


The Essence of Care Framework (DoH 2001) is a quality initiative that requires practitioners to question, evaluate and enhance nursing practices. Nursing literature...