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The public health nursing role: an overview of future trends

11 September 1996

Nursing Standard

Public health nursing

With the introduction of purchasing and provider roles, public health has developed mainly a purchasing or commissioning function, thus leaving a gap where the...

A parent information leaflet to promote mental health in children

20 August 2014

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Positive mental health is an essential element of every child’s overall health and lays the building blocks for mentally healthy adults. There is increasing emphasis...

Promoting mental health in men

27 March 2013

Nursing Standard

Learning Zone

Health promotion is essential to improve the health status and quality of life of individuals. Promoting mental health at an individual, community and policy level...

Environments and older people with dementia

01 June 2001

Mental Health Practice


The environment can have a profound effect on the quality of life for older people. This article describes how living and care environments can be improved for older...

Using health psychology to support health education

09 June 2004

Nursing Standard


Health psychology underpins health behaviour and effective health education. This article introduces the reader to concepts of health psychology and assists in...

Establishing a public health nursing project

28 May 1997

Nursing Standard


Public health nursing has its foundations in primary care and as such, forms the natural public health lead in local communities and primary care teams. Public...

Alcohol education in primary schools

28 October 1998

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Educating teenagers about the risks of alcohol may be too late – many 12- and 13-year-olds have already started experimenting with it, and face increasing peer...

Promoting women’s health

09 February 2000

Nursing Standard


Helping women attain the best possible health means using initiatives which take into account the practicalities of women’s lives. Health promotion activities to...

Reducing health inequalities for people with serious mental illness

17 May 2017

Nursing Standard


People with serious mental illness (SMI) are at risk of dying many years earlier than the general population. Providing an effective, cost-efficient healthcare...

developing clinical guidelines on promoting oral health: an action research approach

01 March 2008

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Over past decades the promotion of normalisation and socially inclusive policies has resulted in a move from institutional care to community living for people with a...