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Grief and its manifestations

21 July 2004

Nursing Standard


This article summarises the main theories of grief and how it manifests itself. The main stages in the grieving process are examined by reviewing the literature. It...

Sudden bereavement in acute care settings

20 October 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim This literature review examines best practice in caring for those who have been bereaved suddenly in acute care settings. Theories of bereavement are outlined in...

Nurse verification of expected death

01 May 2005

Cancer Nursing Practice


In English law, a doctor is required to issue a certificate detailing the cause of death. However, pressure on out-of-hours GP services has led to lengthy delays...

Social aspects of bereavement

01 October 2003

Cancer Nursing Practice


The death of a family member is one of the most stressful and disruptive life events and, at some point in their career, all cancer nurses will come into contact...

anticipatory grief and people with learning disabilities

01 July 2007

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

The death of a close family member or friend can have a devastating impact on a person with learning disabilities (Hollins and Esterhuyzen 1997, Oswin 1991),...

Homicide and its effect on secondary victims

26 November 2011

Mental Health Practice


The devastating emotional impact of homicide on the families, friends and close associates of the primary victims is not well understood, and secondary victims...

Understanding and working with bereavement

01 October 2002

Mental Health Practice


Although we all experience bereavement at some point in our lives, the experience of bereavement is unique to everyone. To achieve a natural resolution, a person...

Settings for death and dying

01 February 2005

Nursing Management


In the early 1980s, a study by Cameron and Parkes (1983) showed that more bereaved people often took solace from the quality of care received by their loved ones who...

Registering deaths on site

10 June 2009

Nursing Management


The process of registering deaths can be complicated and time consuming, and often adds to bereaved families’ stress. The introduction of an on-site registrar’s...

Introducing a bereavement support programme in ICU

13 August 1997

Nursing Standard


Until 1994, the intensive care unit (ICU) at Hull Royal Infirmary offered no facility for bereaved family and friends to seek information and comfort following the...