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Assessments for dementia in people with learning disabilities

26 January 2016

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

Objectives A learning disabilities’ dementia battery was developed to assess cognitive abilities in individuals referred to the learning disabilities service because...

Pressure ulcer risk assessment and prevention in children

06 March 2012

Nursing Children and Young People

A&S Science

This article explores the physical impact and incidence of pressure ulcers in children. Factors influencing pressure ulcer development, the reliability and validity...

Pain assessment tools for the child with severe learning disability

06 March 2012

Nursing Children and Young People

A&S Science

This article aims to identify and critically review three pain assessment tools that have been recommended for use by the Royal College of Nursing (2009) in clinical...

Pressure ulcers in infants and children

25 February 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Although there is no agreement about the size of the problem, there is evidence that critically ill children are more at risk of pressure ulcers than the general...

Addressing the mental health needs of people with learning disabilities

16 July 2008

Nursing Standard


It is now common policy in providing care for people with learning disabilities to ensure improved access to mainstream health services. Consequently, all nursing...

A survey of assessment tools for detecting and managing risk

10 May 2012

Mental Health Practice


This article highlights the type of risk assessments that are used in England and Wales for audits under the Care Programme Approach – a government joint venture...

Enabling hospital staff to care for people with dementia

26 November 2015

Nursing Older People

Art & Science

This is the fourth and final article in a short series that presents case study examples of the positive work achieved by trusts who participated in the Royal...

Identifying and assessing anxiety in pre-operative patients

26 August 2009

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Increasing demands for hospitals to be more efficient mean that patients attending for an operation are generally admitted on the day of surgery. As a result,...

Measuring anxiety in surgical patients using a visual analogue scale

17 November 2010

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Since the early days of surgery patients have been anxious about undergoing operations. This feeling remains common today despite advances in medicine and surgical...

Assessment and management of patients with post-operative pain

10 October 2007

Nursing Standard


Effective pain management is essential in the post-operative period to ensure that patients do not experience unnecessary distress or suffering and to minimise...