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Results 1 - 10 of 65 Search Tips

The treatment of people with a personality disorder in primary healthcare settings

01 April 1998

Mental Health Practice


People with personality disorders (PDs) display inflexible and maladaptive personality traits that cause either significant functional impairment or subjective...

Integrated continence services

07 November 2001

Nursing Standard


Nurses have an important role in continence promotion. Deborah Rigby argues that effective continence care should be multidisciplinary and seamless, from the...

beyond rhetoric: access to mainstream health services in Ireland

01 February 2004

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

It has been argued that Ireland is atypical among its European neighbours in skewing healthcare provision towards the hospital sector and by denial of universal free...

Down syndrome: exploring the knowledge, attitudes and practice of GPs

01 October 2007

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

It is well established that individuals with learning disabilities have more health needs than the general population (Howells 1986, NHS Health Scotland 2004, NHS...

health care and learning disability

01 June 2005

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Since the inception of community care for people with learning disabilities in the early 1980s, considerable concern has been expressed about the poor state of their...

Matter over mind: physical wellbeing for people with severe mental illness

01 July 2004

Mental Health Practice

Health promotion

Mental health workers have a huge responsibility in terms of maintaining the balance between the mental and physical health of people who have a serious mental...

Bridging the gap: results of the DRC’s formal investigation into physical health inequalities

01 October 2006

Mental Health Practice

Disability rights

The Disability Rights Commission (DRC), an independent body, undertook the investigation because we knew from international research that these two groups of people,...

Advanced primary nursing: liberating the talents

01 February 2006

Nursing Management


IN 2002, research findings of a ten-year study of advanced primary nurses working in the Evercare division of the United Healthcare Group (UHG) were published and...

Implementing the single assessment process using the Minimum Data Set – Home Care: a pilot study

01 December 2004

Nursing Older People


Standard two of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) (Department of Health 2001) describes a single assessment process (SAP) which aims to raise...

Mental health nursing: making it a primary concern

15 January 1997

Nursing Standard

Mental health

Seven years ago, a leading figure in psychiatric nursing suggested that mental health nurses might become a 'dying breed' (Mclntegart 1990). He was concerned that...