Results 1 - 6 of 6 Search Tips

Analysing ambulance data to ascertain the prevalence and demographics of individuals who have died by suicide

27 August 2020

Emergency Nurse

Service evaluation

Suicide is a major public health concern, with data suggesting that suicide rates may be increasing. Ambulance services receive thousands of calls each year related...

Independent non-medical prescribing for paramedics

19 August 2015

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Independent non-medical prescribing has made significant advances in nursing and is now being considered and developed by other professions. The role of the...

Exploring the factors that influence trauma team activation in emergency department staff

03 May 2022

Emergency Nurse


Regional trauma networks enable the rapid and safe management and transfer of patients with traumatic injury between designated trauma units and one of 27 major...

A strategic solution to preventing the harm associated with ambulance handover delays

30 April 2024

Emergency Nurse

evidence and practice

Ambulance handover delays arise when emergency departments become overcrowded as patients waiting prolonged periods for admission occupy clinical cubicles designed...

Development of a nurse-led transport service for non-critical neonates and children in Northern Ireland

20 June 2022

Nursing Children and Young People


While the transport and retrieval of critically ill children has been extensively researched and audited, nurse-led repatriation and retrieval of non-critical...

Health promotion in emergency care settings: investigating staff views and experiences

18 April 2023

Emergency Nurse

health promotion

Background Emergency departments (EDs) afford ‘teachable moments’ for health behaviour change, but staff may not see themselves as public health practitioners and it...