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Assessment and management of paracetamol poisoning in adults

10 July 2013

Nursing Standard

Learning Zone

Paracetamol is a low cost, effective analgesic that is widely available in the UK. Paracetamol is the drug most commonly taken in overdose and can lead to acute...

Identifying and managing deep vein thrombosis

05 February 2010

Primary Health Care


Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common condition which has an impact on primary and secondary healthcare services. As more acutely ill patients are now being...

Recognising and managing acute hyponatraemia

05 February 2014

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

A significant amount of clinicians’ time is spent managing patients with complications arising from the use of sympatheticomimetic drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy,...

Assessing alcohol-related attendance at emergency departments

01 February 2013

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

Widespread alcohol misuse has implications for the physical, mental and social health of the population, and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality are problems...

Managing leg ulceration in intravenous drug users

07 September 2015

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

Chronic venous leg ulceration is a long-term condition commonly associated with lower-limb injecting and chronic venous hypertension caused by collapsed veins,...

A haven of support

09 February 2010

Nursing Standard

General article

Nurse volunteers take services to homeless people in Brighton and Hastings through St John Ambulance. Their approach to clients’ needs is holistic.

Campus care

25 October 2005

Nursing Standard

General article

As the academic year begins, nurses are set to help students living away from home for the first time with their health and emotional needs. ► Each educational...

HIV disaster

04 September 2007

Nursing Standard


Every day in Ukraine 46 young people are infected with HIV, but stigma is hampering prevention strategies.

Prescribing in prison: complexities and considerations

22 January 2014

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Prescribing in prison is challenging because of environmental constraints, drug-seeking behaviour and the potential for drug trafficking. Risk management is,...

Nursing management of people experiencing homelessness at the end of life

28 February 2018

Nursing Standard


Homelessness is a complex and multidimensional issue often involving a combination of personal vulnerability, the limitations of social housing, and inadequacies in...