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Telephone assessment and advice: a training programme

13 August 1997

Nursing Standard


Although lack of documentation means that few departments are able to quantify their telephone workload, it is thought that in A&E departments, approximately 3 to 5...

Care of the ventilated patient in A&E

01 June 2000

Emergency Nurse


Aims and intended learning outcomes This article outlines the indications for instigation of intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) in the A&E department....

Telephone triage–identifying the demand (Part 1)

13 May 1998

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This paper is the first of a two-part literature review which explores the role of telephone consultation within health care delivery and considers the demand for...

Treatment of superficial wounds and management of associated pain

01 May 2008

Primary Health Care


Superficial wounds usually result from trauma and can be extremely painful. This article discusses the treatment of superficial wounds as well as the assessment and...

Providing pain relief for patients in the emergency department

07 November 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article examines literature on pain relief in the emergency department (ED). The term ‘emergency department’ has been substituted for ‘accident and emergency’...

Recognising and treating Colles’ type fractures in emergency care settings

01 October 2005

Emergency Nurse


In this article, the author explains how to identify a Colles’ type fracture, explains how to insert a haematoma block, and gives a step by step guide to reducing...

Appropriate categorisation of mild pain at triage: a diagnostic study

01 April 2005

Emergency Nurse


The Manchester Triage System (MTS) offers emergency department practitioners a structure for decision making at triage and for providing urgent care to patients with...

epilepsy awareness and the administration of rectal diazepam

01 February 2007

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Epilepsy has a lifetime prevalence of 2.5 per cent in the general population (Sander and Hart 1999). The incidence of epilepsy is in the region of 80 cases per...

Childhood accident prevention: putting audit into practice

07 August 1996

Nursing Standard

Child health

‘The greatest killer of all’ is the description given to accidental injuries to children by Avery and Jackson (1993) and accidents have been recognised for some time...

Consumer views of pressure sores: a preliminary survey

15 March 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To obtain consumer views about pressure sore development, particularly in A&E departments. Method The local Patient and Carers Association received a freepost...