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Cancer Nursing Practice

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Results 1 - 10 of 15 Search Tips

Measuring compassion in nursing

23 July 2008

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article considers the implications of recent proposals to score nurses according to the level of compassion that they provide.

A study of nurses’ knowledge of the UKCC code of conduct

14 August 1996

Nursing Standard

Professional conduct

The nurses’, midwives’ and health visitors’ legislation of 1979 and 1992 uses the word professional’ in many sections. Associated statutory instruments also use the...

Accountability and intuition: justifying nursing practice

26 February 1997

Nursing Standard


Accepting that the concept of accountability should be central to each nurse's practice signalled a new maturity in the nursing profession, and it was highlighted...

Understanding the standard of care required by nurses

23 March 2020

Nursing Standard

professional values

It is an established principle that nurses owe their patients a duty of care, which incorporates a legal, an ethical and a professional duty. However, they must also...

Applying transformational leadership in nursing practice

16 December 2019

Nursing Standard


The updated Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) standards of proficiency for nurses emphasise the importance of nurse leadership, while the NHS has also developed...

The Telford model: inspiring new leaders in learning disability nursing

12 September 2019

Learning Disability Practice


Supporting and mentoring learning disability nursing students can be rewarding for all parties, but the challenge is to ensure that the process is robust and...

Establishing an advanced care academy and its role in advanced practitioner development

28 August 2019

Nursing Management


Advanced clinical practice (ACP) roles evolved to fill gaps in healthcare provision and improve consistency in standards of care. Historically, variance in service...

‘Other-unproven’: US research and its implications for complementary therapies in the UK

04 July 2019

Cancer Nursing Practice

non-conventional therapies

An American study has concluded that people with cancer who receive complementary medicine (CM) have a twofold greater risk of death compared with patients who had...

Audit of advanced nurse practitioner-led care of the person prescribed oral anticancer medicines

12 January 2023

Cancer Nursing Practice

Cancer treatments

Healthcare in the Republic of Ireland experienced a shift in the delivery of services during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. In the authors’...

Developing evidence-based standards for the administration of oral anticancer medicines

24 November 2022

Cancer Nursing Practice

Cancer treatments

Cancer treatments have undergone a paradigm shift with the development and rapid growth of the use of oral anticancer treatment, particularly within the past ten...