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The challenges of running a learning disability service in a Scottish prison

10 March 2010

Learning Disability Practice


This article describes the difficulties experienced by prison staff and offenders when an inmate is identified as having a learning disability or a difficulty. It...

Working with women and children experiencing domestic violence

01 February 2011

Primary Health Care


Two women a week die in the UK as a result of interpersonal violence. It occurs throughout society and has a devastating effect on survivors, their families and...

Assessment and accreditation system improves patient safety

01 November 2012

Nursing Management


In 2008, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust introduced a ward-based performance assessment framework, the Nursing Assessment and Accreditation System, which is...

Prevention of falls in older people: the Weymouth and Portland project

01 April 2004

Nursing Older People


Falls are a major cause of disability and mortality in the over-75s: 400,000 people each year attend accident and emergency (A&E) departments in England as a result...

‘Keeping Well’: a local approach to delivering health advice and information

01 December 2005

Nursing Older People


Ann Hunt describes the establishment of the Keeping Well Centre, an innovative type of day service provision with an emphasis on education, advice and information...

A suitable case for treatment

31 March 2009

Nursing Standard


Although mental health care in prison has improved, there is still a long way to go.

Importance of good teamwork in urgent care services

05 November 2014

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

High quality, safe care for patients depends on effective teamwork, and where multi-professional teams work together there is higher patient satisfaction, increased...

Children’s cancer nursing – past, present and future

07 November 2017

Cancer Nursing Practice

Specialty development

Treatment for children’s cancer has changed significantly over the past 50 years. Once considered a fatal disease, the five-year survival rate is now over 80% for...

Spirited approach

14 February 2006

Nursing Standard


The Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability was established to help healthcare practitioners and others meet the spiritual needs of patients ► The centre was...

A collaborative approach to health promotion in early stage dementia

08 May 2013

Nursing Standard

Learning Zone

Dementia affects all aspects of a person’s life, including memory, functioning, emotions and social relationships. Dementia care is a national priority because of an...