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Unintended consequences

01 July 2005

Nursing Management


NHS CONFEDERATION policy director Nigel Edwards once asked: ‘Why is it that good individual policies, based on strong values and even common sense, often lead to...

Role conflict: leaders and managers

01 September 2006

Nursing Management

Applied leadership

IT SHOULD come as no surprise to most nurses that the best and most experienced clinical members of wards or unit teams do not necessarily make the most effective...

Consultant nurses as clinical leaders

01 June 2007

Nursing Management


AT A TIME when financial management has affected all aspects of service delivery in the NHS, it is crucial that clinical leadership retains its place in influencing...

The transformation of care in the Republic of Ireland

01 July 2007

Nursing Management


IN RECENT YEARS, health services in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) have been undergoing substantial reform.

Exploring leadership styles

01 April 2008

Nursing Management


THERE ARE FEW professions in which the ramifications of poor performance are as serious as in nursing, and there are few professionals who feel the pressure of...

Using change in nursing practice: a case study approach

01 May 2006

Nursing Management


THE CHANGE described in this paper took place in a large teaching hospital, which uses a classical, scientific management approach through authoritarian leadership...

National nursing leadership programme

01 December 2002

Learning Disability Practice


The NHS Plan (DoH 2000) clearly articulates the need to modernise the health service in order to deliver improvements for patients. To achieve this the NHS needs...

Swapping traditional rostering for self-rostering within a cancer ward

01 July 2003

Cancer Nursing Practice


Devising the schedule of nursing time on a hospital ward can be a time-consuming business which, if not done properly, can affect staff morale, resource utilisation...

National nursing leadership programme

01 November 2002

Mental Health Practice


The NHS Plan (DoH 2000) clearly articulates the need to modernise the health service in order to deliver improvements for patients. To achieve this the NHS needs...

Leadership for service improvement

01 February 2007

Nursing Management


LEADERSHIP SKILLS have long been identified as key to the delivery of good health care. However, although government health departments emphasise the need for...