Results 1 - 4 of 4 Search Tips

The hurtfulness of a diagnosis: user research about personality disorder

01 June 2001

Mental Health Practice

Users’ views

This paper aims to highlight service users’ views regarding the diagnosis of personality disorder (PD). We believe this study is unique in that, as far as we are...

Practice development in cancer care: self-help for men with testicular cancer

30 August 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article describes a joint initiative between health professionals and men who had had testicular cancer to set up a self-help group. The aims of this group...

A psycho-educational support group for women with ovarian cancer

01 November 2003

Cancer Nursing Practice


It has been suggested that group psychological support can have advantages over individual counselling for cancer patients, and that they prefer such groups to be...

Service users, authority, power and protest: A call for renewed activism

01 December 2007

Mental Health Practice


The ‘service user movement’ is commonly understood to have its inception during the 1960s, a period which saw unprecedented interest in and collective action to...