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Life and death in the . opportunity arena

01 January 1995

Nursing Management

General article

I am slightly nervous about writing this article. There are things that must be said which are so easily capable of misinterpretation that I hardly dare say them. My...

Familiar territory

30 November 2011

Nursing Management


There is something going on in our hospitals. I can’t quite put my finger on it but there is a phrase that comes to mind: have we ‘lost the plot’? Maybe it’s not...

Something to look forward to each week

21 January 2015

Nursing Standard


The NHS never ceases to amaze me. It shouldn’t, but it does. In the midst of all the criticisms, moans and political footballing, it comes up trumps, does good...

Testing times

20 February 2013

Nursing Standard


Would you recommend this service to friends and family? That is the killer question on the government’s friends and family test, a new initiative to give patients...

Is health care ethical?

01 May 2008

Primary Health Care


The surgery was packed. Packed but almost silent. There was an occasional wracking cough, and a tiny baby, buried in the pink blankets of a well-worn buggy, gurgled.

Change. What change?

01 October 2008

Primary Health Care


The United States election battle is hotting-up and is redolent with th chant of ‘change’. At home the papers are full of pleas for change. Labour MPs are building a...

Not the time to be old or poor

01 May 2011

Primary Health Care


THE SLASH of scarlet lipstick across her mouth was not quite right. Her eyes, once sparkling and cornflower blue were more liquid. The hair, once blond and bouncing,...

Social enterprise will be your future employer

01 September 2008

Primary Health Care


Have you read it? Did you take it on holiday? Have you brought it back from the beach, smeared in sunscreen and ringed with red wine stains? Are there sections...

If nursing didn’t exist, would we invent it?

01 February 2008

Primary Health Care


Nursing, in business terms, is a strong brand and has been around for a long time. But there are a lot of brands that have been around for a long time. Marmite –...

The world’s best health service?

01 April 2008

Primary Health Care


As the dawn painted a cold, grey water-colour wash of day on the curtainless windows, the relatives stood hunched around the bed.