Results 1 - 5 of 5 Search Tips

An overview of adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation equipment

01 February 2017

Nursing Standard


Nurses have many roles and responsibilities in relation to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), including: recognising that a patient is deteriorating; recognising...

Using the ABCDE approach to assess the deteriorating patient

29 November 2017

Nursing Standard


Patients who deteriorate without recognition or timely interventions are at risk of critical care admission and increased morbidity or mortality. This article...

Managing post-operative stroke following cardiac surgery

11 December 2023

Nursing Standard

Care experience

Stroke is a complication that can occur in patients who have undergone cardiac surgery and can lead to life-threatening consequences. The causes of post-operative...

Managing common neurological complications following cardiac surgery

23 October 2023

Nursing Standard

Effective practice

Despite recent technological advances in the field of surgery, neurological complications remain a significant post-operative issue. Two of the most common...

Using the NEWS2 and ABCDE assessment to identify early signs of clinical deterioration

25 March 2024

Nursing Standard

Effective practice

Nurses may encounter deteriorating patients in their clinical practice, so they require an understanding of the early physiological signs of deterioration and a...