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Nurses are not trained to administer emergency aid

22 May 2002

Nursing Standard


I am concerned about nurses’ professional duty to provide first aid outside of work (letters May 1).

Code a minefield if you have no first aid training

03 July 2002

Nursing Standard


Thank you to Ruth Martin (letters June 19) for information on the British Red Cross. In my original letter 1 tried to explain that I feel confident in administering...

Don’t blame us for how we are taught

06 November 2002

Nursing Standard


I am one of the ‘new breed’ of student nurses and I am despondent that we receive nothing but criticism for the way we are trained (news October 23). I am lucky that...

Degrees of separation

15 October 2003

Nursing Standard


As a student nurse undertaking the adult branch diploma, I want to know why we are being made to feel like second-class j citizens compared to the adult branch...