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Managers opting out - now we've heard it all

16 September 1998

Nursing Standard


I read with much interest the article ‘How much is this manager worth’ (News Analysis August 26). It would appear to me that while nursing managers are not paid...

Professionalism kept us going over new year

26 January 2000

Nursing Standard


I read with interest the health secretary's praise for all nurses and healthcare staff who worked over the millennium. But I would like to point out that we had no...

Night nurses also face difficult conditions

22 March 2000

Nursing Standard


I read with delight 'Double time for the night shift' (Letters March 8). A lot of nurses do feel that night shifts are easy compared to day shifts. Where day nurses...

Men do their fair share of the household chores

13 June 2001

Nursing Standard


Surely the view of women given by Kaeren Daunt-Jones (letters May 23) in 'Isn't it obvious why we're sick more often?' is absurd in an age of equality.

Hooray for D grades with years of experience

24 March 1999

Nursing Standard


I would like to reply to 'As good as an E grade even without a diploma' (Letters March 10)

In as much danger without the dosh

04 November 1998

Nursing Standard


I write with reference to ‘Police are at greater risk than nurses’ (Letters October 21). Nurses are in as much danger from the public as the police are. We get...

Experienced nurses deserve recognition and security

26 October 1999

Nursing Standard


Like most experienced nurses, I agree with Liam Williams (Letters October 6) that nurses deserve to be treated fairly over pay.

The lights go out but the work must go on

26 May 1999

Nursing Standard


I read with interest Margaret Metcalfe's letter 'The lights go out on a little bit of peace and quiet in hospitals' (May 12).

Someone's got to do it, but let's get the recognition we deserve

07 July 1999

Nursing Standard


I am concerned that J Feather (Letters June 16) believes it is 'unprofessional' to whinge about millennium pay. We aren't whingeing, but putting our views forward to...

Absenteeism is a sign of an overworked nurse

02 August 2000

Nursing Standard


I read with interest the letter 'I shouldn't have to pretend I'm ill to take time off' (Letters July 19).