Results 1 - 10 of 49 Search Tips

How to be a top mental health and learning disability trust

29 March 2012

Learning Disability Practice


There is a tendency for health and social care commentators to focus on poorly performing organisations at the expense of those that do well. It is instructive,...

What makes some trusts perform better than others

10 May 2012

Mental Health Practice


There is a tendency for health and social care commentators to focus on poorly performing organisations at the expense of those that do well. It is instructive,...

Gaming and up-coding

10 February 2009

Nursing Management


DIAGNOSIS AND PROCEDURE coding, used in the UK since 1944, has expanded and undergone revision in recent years. Traditionally, codes have been used for auditing and...

Who are the busiest nurses?

01 June 2009

Nursing Standard


Nursing workload, often called ‘acuity’, is a standardised index that describes nursing activity in relation to hospital patients. In common parlance, nurses would...

Is the expenditure on temporary staff justified?

01 December 2009

Nursing Standard

Data watch

Replacing absent staff and covering unfilled vacancies are the main reasons why ward managers employ bank and agency nurses.

Where do patients get a choice?

12 January 2010

Nursing Standard

General article

Ministers have promised to offer patients greater choice over where they receive treatment in a bid to tackle inequality in care provision.

Where is measles likely to strike?

24 March 2009

Nursing Standard

Data watch

For many children measles is a harmless viral infection. Some, however, experience distressing neurological, respiratory, eye and ear complications. Measles remains...

How many working hours are spent on direct care?

28 April 2009

Nursing Standard

Data watch

Today’s nurses are often accused of spending less time with patients. Indeed, the purpose of the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement’s Productive Ward...

Does poor staffing affect job satisfaction and patient care?

02 June 2009

Nursing Standard


Investigations into poor quality care often expose poor staffing levels as a key factor. Here we combine and analyse two official data sets for England to find out...

Are BME patients losing out?

28 October 2008

Nursing Standard


If we assume healthcare needs are proportional to population size, we would expect the number of treatments required to increase as the population increases.