Results 1 - 10 of 14 Search Tips

Steps towards protection

01 August 1990

Nursing Standard

Feature personal safety

The rape of a district nurse as she worked in her office late at night; the murder of a health visitor in a patient’s house a few years ago; violent assaults against...

The significance of urine testing

13 March 1991

Nursing Standard

Clinical urinalysis

Urinalysis has become routine in hospitals and GPs’ surgeries since dry reagents in the form of tablets for testing for diabetes were first introduced by Ames 40...

Irritable bowel syndrome

21 November 1990

Nursing Standard

Clinical gastrointestinal disorders

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a distressing combination of intermittent abdominal pain and irregular bowel habits, such as alternating diarrhoea and...

Incidence of psoriasis on the increase in young people

06 July 1994

Nursing Standard

News clinical

The number of psoriasis sufferers is underestimated, the disease is becoming more severe and more young people are now affected by the condition, a recent joint...

Restoring the art of breast feeding

01 March 1989

Primary Health Care

Breast feeding

According to the former Junior Health Minister Edwina Currie, Britain leads the world in keeping a close watch on the way babies are fed. And according to the most...

Coffee boycott against baby milk producer

01 April 1989

Primary Health Care


A renewed consumer boycott of Nescafe coffee has been launched in the UK to persuade Nestle to conform to the World Health Organisation International Code for the...

Baby safety in the first

01 May 1989

Primary Health Care

Accident prevention

Having a baby is an expensive business. Parents come under increasing pressure from advertisements to buy the latest gadget or piece of equipment which they are told...

Vitamins for a healthy lifestyle

01 June 1989

Primary Health Care

Dietary supplements

who needs vitamins? Everyone, of course. What is more of a problem for health professionals is whether their clients are having enough vitamins to maintain a healthy...

Safer sanitary protection campaign

01 April 1989

Primary Health Care

News line

The Women’s Environmental Network has launched a campaign to draw attention to the possible impact on women’s health and the environment of chlorine based bleached...

Candida albicans

01 October 1989

Primary Health Care


Nurses see patients suffering from a wide variety of diseases. Many will JL y suffer from some of these illnesses in their imagination, although thankfully not in...