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Minister emphasises fairness in human resource planning

01 January 1998

Nursing Management

News and analysis

Alan Milburn, Minister of State for Health, made the keynote speech to the annual conference of the Association of Healthcare Human Resource Management, held at...

Ladder to the top?

11 February 1998

Nursing Standard

Book Review

CLINICAL LADDERS have evolved as a systematic way of encouraging individual nurses to develop their clinical practice and expertise and to financially reward that...

The equaliser

23 July 1997

Nursing Standard

Labour relations

THE ISSUE OF equal pay has recently received a significant amount of publicity due to the case of Pamela Enderby, who argued successfully that her work as a speech...

Mergers may harm careers

14 January 1998

Nursing Standard

Labour relations

TRUST MERGERS could have a major impact on career opportunities for nurses over- the next two years.

Family-friendly key to success

08 April 1998

Nursing Standard

Labour relations

SINCE THE early 1980s, employers have been introducing flexible working as a response to a variety of issues, including retention of staff, equality of opportunity,...

Old idea, new jargon

18 September 1996

Nursing Standard


HOSPITAL PROCESS re-engineering has been in the news over the summer with the Leicester Royal Infirmary running a series of seminars with American management...

Time is money

30 January 2002

Nursing Standard


The NHS desperately needs a new career structure to recruit, retain and motivate the nursing workforce. Recent pay review body awards have been low and changes to...

Unsocial hours changes will bring proper rewards

05 February 2003

Nursing Standard


Further to your story last week (news January 29) which suggested that the unsocial hours proposals contained in Agenda for Change will lead to more night and...

Clarification on Agenda for Change

26 November 2003

Nursing Standard


Further to your articles on Agenda for Change (news and editorial november 19), I write to confirm that the implementation date for the new pay and grading system,...

Just rewards

18 December 2002

Nursing Standard


On November 28, after over three years of negotiations, a final set of proposals on a new pay system for the NHS was produced. However, if you saw the news that...