Results 1 - 10 of 15 Search Tips

Distress in children attending A&E

01 July 2004

Emergency Nurse


Attendance at A&E is a common childhood experience (Audit Commission 1996). Most children attend with minor injuries (Simmonds 1999) and several organ-isations have...

Anxiety and frustration inform experience of chronic pain

01 June 2011

Nursing Children and Young People

Research digest

Aim To improve understanding of the impact of chronic pain on the lives of children and adolescents.

Awareness of antibiotic resistance is important

11 April 2016

Nursing Children and Young People


Prescribing antibiotics for otitis media and other upper respiratory tract infections became ‘standard’ practice in an era when complications from such infections...

Identifying clearer healthcare pathways for adolescents who self-harm

10 April 2015

Nursing Children and Young People


This study looks at the attitudes of health practitioners toward young people, reflecting a growing concern about the mental wellbeing of children and young people...

Exercise advice could prevent obesity and heart disease in children

01 July 2013

Nursing Children and Young People


Increasing levels of physical activity in children and young people is an important part of the UK strategy aimed at reducing obesity and risk of cardiovascular...

Research digest

01 July 2013

Nursing Children and Young People


This month’s digest looks at factors affecting parental uptake of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine

More insight needed into parameters that affect infant pain and growth

01 November 2012

Nursing Children and Young People


While clinicians and researchers, for example Anand (1998), have suspected for many years that early pain experiences result in stress that might affect health,...

On the web

01 October 2011

Nursing Children and Young People

Resources Road safety is an important consideration but teaching safety messages to children can be a challenge. The Department of...

The role of vitamin D in infants, children and young people

11 February 2015

Nursing Children and Young People


In recent years there has been a growing interest in vitamin D, the role it plays in the body and the effects of its deficiency. This article provides an overview of...

Evaluation of high doses of vitamin D in Iranian school girls

01 June 2012

Nursing Children and Young People


Aim To determine the efficacy of administering high doses of vitamin D at three month intervals to Iranian girls in puberty when bone mass is most accumulated, and...