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Way to go

05 June 2002

Nursing Standard


Given that the United States has more than 2.7 million nurses, you could be forgiven for thinking it would not need any more. But America is facing a huge shortfall...

Health for all?

29 April 1998

Nursing Standard

Book Review

THE NHS is not the only health organisation celebrating its 50th birthday in 1998. The World Health Organization (WHO) will also be 50 this year.

Land of rising expectations

05 August 1998

Nursing Standard


JAPAN IS facing a ‘double whammy’. Its economy is faltering, just as the number of elderly Japanese people is rapidly increasing. Japan has the highest life...

New opportunities or new threats?

09 December 1998

Nursing Standard


IN A COUNTRY where health service reforms have resulted in job losses and insecurity, New Zealand’s nurses are determined to show that they should be regarded like...

Global voice now heard

26 November 1997

Nursing Standard


IN 1996, a debate on nursing at the World Health Organization (WHO) overran, as over 40 countries held up the agenda in order to state publicly how important nurses...

A new start in Estonia

03 February 1999

Nursing Standard

World view

NURSES ARE used to working in a health service which is constantly changing. But imagine working in a country which has gone through complete political, economic and...

Good for one good for all

24 June 1998

Nursing Standard


GOING INTO hospital for treatment? Would you like to consult a Good Hospital Guide? Hospital information will soon be more than just the length of a waiting list...

Southern crossover

04 October 2000

Nursing Standard


STOP PRESS: Labour government promises to re-introduce enrolled nurses training. No, not another shock announcement in the UK, but 12,000 miles away in New Zealand....

International Achievement Award

07 October 1998

Nursing Standard


The International Council of Nurses Foundation has introduced a new international nursing award - the International Achievement Award. 'The award will be made at the...

Disappearing ’ nurses

21 October 1998

Nursing Standard

World view

IN CANADA, the Mounties may always get their man, but soon they may not be able to get a nurse. Nursing shortages are not just a problem in the UK Across the world,...