Results 1 - 10 of 19 Search Tips

Book mark

01 May 2007

Nursing Management


This book aims to support the learning and development of practising healthcare managers, and those undertaking postgraduate study programmes concerned with health...

A reader in health policy and management

01 October 2009

Nursing Management

Book Review

STUDENTS INTERESTED in the recent development of healthcare management and policy will be impressed by this book.

Magic in practice. introducing medical nlp: the art and science of language in healing and health

01 November 2008

Nursing Management

Book Review

The curiously entitled Magic in Practice is a useful text that aims to unravel the elusive qualities that comprise good relationships between doctors and patients.

The new health policy

01 June 2010

Nursing Management

Book Review

HEALTHCARE POLICY is made in such a fast-shifting landscape, and can be introduced or reformed so quickly, that the New Health policy is an awkward title for a book...

Recruiting with care

01 February 2008

Nursing Management


Receiving letters of resignation can generate mixed emotions. While filling a vacant post offers opportunities for managerial change or the promotion of valued...

Paying for Performance in Health Care

28 January 2015

Nursing Management

Book Review

THIS IS a courageous book. It tackles an important subject with breadth and depth by looking at pay for performance across a range of health systems from around the...

Health service management: culture, consensus and the middle manager

01 September 2007

Nursing Management

Book Review

In this well structured text, Marie Carney analyses the relationships between culture, consensus and the behaviours of managers. This is an academic work that...

24:Hours to Save the NHS: The Chief Executive’s Account of Reform 2000-2006

01 November 2011

Nursing Management

Book Review

THE DRAMATIC title of this readable and useful book is borrowed from the Labour Party slogan as it went into a general election in may 1997.

The quantum leader: applications for the new world of work

01 July 2009

Nursing Management

Book Review

THE WORLD of leadership is ever changing. In the NHS for example, systems of command and control have been dismantled in favour of co-production, subsidiarity,...

Understanding new labour’s market reforms of the english NHS

01 February 2012

Nursing Management

Book Review

POLICY ANALYSIS is not an easy or exact science. However, the authoritative and well-regarded contributors to this text make sense of a complex area in an accessible...