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Why phenomenology is increasingly relevant to nurse researchers

18 December 2017

Nurse Researcher


When nurse researchers contemplate designing a study they spend time, or at least they should, considering the ways in which epistemological assumptions inform their...

Nursing and the ethnographic accomplishment

22 March 2017

Nurse Researcher


This issue of Nurse Researcher focuses on ethnographic research in nursing. The three themed papers provide an overview of the ethnographic accomplishment dealing...

The use of phenomenology in mental health nursing research

18 December 2017

Nurse Researcher

Evidence & practice

Background Historically, mental health research has been strongly influenced by the underlying positivism of the quantitative paradigm. Quantitative research...

Qualitative case studies in suicide research: a novice researcher’s reflections

24 February 2025

Nurse Researcher

evidence and practice

Background The suicide process is a complex and uniquely individual phenomenon. The need to understand and bring meaning to individual experiences of suicide is...