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Call for national definition of care

01 March 1995

Elderly Care


New guidance on continuing care published in February is ‘a step in the right direction’ but needs to go further, according to the Royal College of Nursing.

Skills for the future the humanity of caring

01 October 2000

Nursing Management


MUCH has been written about caring and nursing, indeed for many the two are inseparable. From such a perspective caring largely defines nursing and distinguishes it...

New year, new opportunities

01 February 2005

Nursing Older People

Guest editorial

Anyone not yet convinced that change is now a permanent feature of the health and social care environment need only look at this month’s news section to be left in...

Supporting people who have dementia to die with dignity

22 June 2009

Nursing Older People


This article highlights some of the key themes and challenges in the empirical, policy and clinical literature on end-of-life care for people with dementia. It is...

Pressure damage prevention: basing practice on evidence

11 March 1998

Nursing Standard


In response to the Culyer initiative (NHSE 1997) to bring research and practice closer together and develop a culture of ‘evidence-based practice’ for nursing,...