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Community matron role development through action learning

01 October 2007

Primary Health Care


The introduction of community matrons (CMs) in primary health care has ensured vulnerable clients have continuity with their care supported by a skilled...

Developing a support group for carers of people living with dementia

27 January 2021

Nursing Older People


Significant numbers of people in the UK care for someone living with dementia. Providing support for carers is socially and economically important, enabling them to...

What is an older husband’s experience of caring for his wife who has dementia?

06 November 2019

Nursing Older People

literature review

A significant number of informal carers look after people who have dementia. Women’s caring experiences are well documented. However, a substantially smaller amount...

How to undertake a holistic nutritional assessment with older people

07 August 2024

Nursing Older People


Rationale and key points Nutrition is a fundamental aspect of nursing care, however older people cared for in hospital, in a care home or in their own home do not...

Ask the experts

01 May 2009

Nursing Older People


Although UK healthcare spending is now close to the European average(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2008), older people still receive...

A Walk Through Dementia: exploring the effects of a virtual reality app about dementia on students’ knowledge and attitudes

22 January 2025

Nursing Older People

evidence and practice

Background A Walk Through Dementia (AWTD) is a learning resource that shows dementia from the perspective of people with the condition. Its three 360-degree...