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An unwanted concept

07 August 1996

Nursing Standard


OVER THE PAST few years there has been a growing interest in the concept of user involvement and empowerment. This movement has been given added emphasis by...

‘It’s a lifeline’

01 February 1996

Nursing Older People

Nursing practice community care

Recent legislation and reports have emphasised the concept of user involvement and empowerment, based in part on the New Right philosophy of consumerism, which...

Developing an integrated falls service

01 March 2005

Primary Health Care


Most people have fallen at some stage in their life, but the incidence of falls increases as we get older when the effects can be far more damaging. A fall can...

Partnerships in care

01 August 1996

Nursing Older People

Nursing practice individualised care

This article looks at the provision of care within a small community hospital, providing long term continuing and terminal care facilities, as well as respite care,...

Caring for older people with dementia in hospital Part one: challenges

01 October 2012

Nursing Older People

A&S Science

Background Nursing students often care for older people with dementia during placements. The quality of the students’ experience is important. Aim To explore adult...

Caring for older people with dementia in hospital Part two: strategies

26 November 2012

Nursing Older People

A&S Science

Background Nursing students often care for patients with dementia during practice placements and the quality of their experience is important. Aim To explore adult...