Results 1 - 5 of 5 Search Tips

Promoting breast feeding in Northern Ireland

01 March 2001

Primary Health Care


The advantages of breast feeding are numerous (Table 1). The World Health Organization (WHO 1981) recommends that babies are solely breast fed for four months....

Work-life in the balance

10 August 2010

Nursing Standard

General article

NHS organisations must demonstrate a commitment to flexible working so that employees can achieve a good work-life balance.

How to develop a patient and carer advisory group in stroke care research

09 January 2013

Nurse Researcher

A&S Science

Aim The aim of this paper is to inform and advise researchers on the practical issues associated with involving stroke patients and their carers in research....

Evaluating nurse-led inpatient units

30 May 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article highlights findings from three studies into nurse-led inpatient units. The results are not the same in each case, particularly with regard to length of...

Identifying the challenges and opportunities of the executive nurse director role in the UK: a scoping review

15 October 2020

Nursing Management


The executive nurse director role is complex and there is significant variation in the expectations and responsibilities placed on it. The main function of the role...