Results 1 - 6 of 6 Search Tips

Resistance to change causes and solutions

01 March 2002

Nursing Management

Applied management

CHANGE IN healthcare occurs at a rapid pace and all nurses, whatever their grade, must be knowledgeable and skilled in the change process (White 1998). Reasons for...

Delegation: a key function of nursing

01 July 2004

Nursing Management


DELEGATION IS not a new function of professional nursing (Haas 1999) but it is becoming increasingly important as the profession experiences rapid change.

Essential leadership skills for motivating and developing staff

31 August 2011

Nursing Management


Achieving and sustaining high quality patient care and containing costs are important aspects of a nurse manager’s role, and a successful manager needs to have the...

Focus groups in nursing research

01 January 2007

Nurse Researcher


The literature suggests that prior to the 1950s, focus groups were almost unknown within the social sciences. Today, research studies using focus groups are gaining...

Increasing awareness of bullying through small-scale initiatives in higher education

23 November 2022

Nursing Management


Employees are entitled to work in an environment that upholds their dignity and respect, but bullying still exists in many disciplines, including in nurse education...

Critical preparation and readiness to support future change

22 May 2018

Nursing Management

Change management

The challenging nature of change is well documented and adequate preparation before implementing a change initiative is critical to reducing resistance and...