Results 1 - 10 of 43 Search Tips

Get in on the act

01 June 2006

Mental Health Practice

Focus mental health

According to the World Health Organization, the world’s adults have a 25 per cent chance of becoming mentally unwell at some time in their lives.

Ethnic lessons

01 April 1998

Nursing Management

General article

The under use of the skills of minority ethnic people never ceases to cause discomfort. In the NHS, the increasing level of discomfort has produced a concomitant...

Power of the transformers

01 September 1995

Nursing Management

Special report

At first sight, the University of Chicago Hospitals (UCH) is much like any other large university academic medical centre, right down to the imposing bronze...

Are some people born dissatisfied?

01 November 1995

Nursing Management

Are some people born dissatisfied?

While patient surveys are now enshrined in the NHS reforms’ list of things that must be done, scant attention has been paid to the actual behaviours that cause...

Nurses purchasing?

01 May 1995

Nursing Management

General Article

The simmering anxiety about whether nurses should by right of their professional status be given a seat on the boards of the newly-amalgamated FHSA/DHA health...

Crying at the alter?

01 December 1994

Nursing Management

Crying at the alter

Things fall apart. 'Hie ability to adapt and remain sane during change is both a biological and an emotional function. Change is a given in all environments, in all...

Race into the future

17 December 1997

Nursing Standard

Nursing in 1998

IN1997, the RCN published its policy on bullying and harassment at work and the Commission for Racial Equality established the Leadership Challenge, to focus the...

Say what you mean

16 August 2005

Nursing Standard

Career develpoment

‘Communication is like acting,’ says Michael Shea, the Queen’s former press secretary. ‘The personal impact you make is crucial.’ We communicate because we want to...

Appraisal time

06 September 2005

Nursing Standard

Career development

Millions of words are written about performance management. At its simplest, performance management refers to the assessment and feedback processes needed for...

Talk the talk

18 April 2006

Nursing Standard

General article

‘Communication is like acting. Any audience must be inspired to listen, and not to your words alone. Your overall personal impact is crucial,’ says former royal...