Results 1 - 10 of 21 Search Tips

Home treatment services: evidence and issues

01 July 2001

Mental Health Practice

A&S Science

Over the last three years, a series of documents has emerged from the Department of Health which demand radical changes in the structure of mental health services...

Making my mark

01 July 2004

Nurse Researcher


Neil Brimblecombe explains how his first research project was carried out by accident, and how he has come to learn why stubbornness and resilience are such...

An American perspective: mental health services in Illinois

01 July 2003

Mental Health Practice

Mental health USA

The state of Illinois lies on the eastern edge of the Great Plains, which stretch across the centre of the United States. The largest city is Chicago, which sits on...

Will you get vaccinated against COVID-19?

07 January 2021

Mental Health Practice


The availability of effective immunisations is being hailed as the light at the end of the tunnel, finally enabling the world to emerge from the darkness of the...

You can have your say on Mental Health Act reforms

04 March 2021

Mental Health Practice


The Mental Health Act white paper for England and Wales, informed by the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act 1983, is out for consultation.

Why ‘Seni’s law’ will help mental health units reduce dangers of restraint

06 January 2022

Mental Health Practice


The Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018 is now part of law in England. The act was created following a number of tragic incidents related to use of...

What’s next for mental health nursing after COVID-19?

14 July 2020

Mental Health Practice


I join Mental Health Practice as consultant editor – succeeding the irreplaceable Ian Hulatt – at the most extraordinary of times. After months of the COVID-19...

Question is, where can mental health nurses make the most difference?

05 January 2023

Mental Health Practice


In 2021, a historic milestone was reached by mental health nursing which passed by largely without note. It was the moment when the number of mental health nurses...

Mental health nurses should influence what data are gathered for service users

09 September 2020

Mental Health Practice


One of the many effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been an increased societal awareness of the use and value of data.

Why a radical workforce review is needed for mental health

03 March 2022

Mental Health Practice


Despite recent increases in student numbers and an increase in 3,000 nurses employed in England’s NHS since the low point of 2017, the numbers of mental health...