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Voices - A journey down memory lane

01 April 2008

Mental Health Practice

General article

It was raining in Youlgreave, Derbyshire but, as I’d taken a room for the weekend (being younger and more intrepid) I donned my walking boots, woolly jumper and...

Years of illness left Alison Anthony feeling uncertain about what lay outside her front door. Regaining self-confidence and patience is possible – but only in small steps, she concludes

01 September 2006

Mental Health Practice


In my last Voices column, I was boldly heading out of my own front door. Ironically, this is now locked fast, but thoroughly broken and waiting for a replacement

Slipping into debt is a terrifying business. Alison Anthony explains the lengths to which ‘collection agencies’ will go to break down the most vulnerable people in society

01 November 2007

Mental Health Practice

General article

I’ve been given a book to write. For a time, we lost control of our finances. So creditors ‘passed us’ to debt collection agencies, and their ‘communications’ with...


01 December 2005

Mental Health Practice

General article

We could be living in the last age of man. The planet is choking on the poisons we covered it with. It seems to be trying to shake us off. We are finally entering a...

Voices - Alison Anthony salutes the achievements of the Victorians and warms we risk losing the values that made the old institutions tick

01 June 2005

Mental Health Practice

General article

Just as I try to live by this quotation, I’d apply it equally to the care of the mentally ill. Except in one particular respect. Sometimes, the past is a raft that...

Life after darkness

01 June 2006

Mental Health Practice

Book Review

Life After Darkness is the account of a doctor’s journey through the worst of depression and, thankfully, into recovery. With a diary that she kept during that time,...

Voices - Thanks for the memories

01 May 2007

Mental Health Practice


I once wore a dress bright yellow as daffodils. A girl’s false ear kept falling off. On winter mornings spiders’ webs glittered like jewels in the hedges. I can see...

Voices - on reading an MHP article calling on mental health nurses to encourage inpatients to give up smoking, smoker Alison Anthony found herself remembering a particularly nasty ashtray... and its location

01 July 2004

Mental Health Practice


In May’s MHP, Veronica Burton made a clear case against nurses smoking with or around patients on psychiatric wards (7, 8, 19). But her deservedly unequivocal stance...


01 November 2004

Mental Health Practice


Looking for the methodology and research behind this book feels a bit like forcing your grandmother to sit down and write out her recipe for jam. If the jam’s great,...

Voices - surfing the internet initially filled alison anthony with enthusiasm. but now she has learnt that the web, too, can have its disturbing and alienating side

01 March 2006

Mental Health Practice

General article

I always struggled with boundaries. In 1984 I began writing out my anger at the way the old asylums were closed. And I was ill. The only way to handle society was to...