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Here to stay – or go?

04 July 2006

Nursing Standard

Careers & jobs

Without the influx of international nurses to the UK over the past ten years, the National Health Service would have ground to a standstill, says RCN general...

Computer-assisted reminiscence therapy: developing practice

01 December 2013

Mental Health Practice

Art & Science

Reminiscence therapy is a positive pastime for people with dementia and there is evidence to suggest that it is helpful in improving overall psychological wellbeing...

The use of timelines in dementia care

01 February 2004

Nursing Older People


During the course of training, student nurses can spend relatively short periods – as little as a few weeks – on placements in older people’s care settings. One of...

Using lived experience stories and anecdotes to enhance mental health nurse education

22 February 2022

Mental Health Practice


Over the past few years, there has been a move towards incorporating ‘lived experience’ stories and anecdotes in the education of mental health nurses. This...