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Every child can learn: using learning tools and play to help children with developmental delay

01 October 2008

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

This book outlines, what the authors refer to as, a ‘functional learning approach’, which aims to maximise the potential of children with developmental delays.

Special needs and drug education

01 September 2005

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

Very little research has been carried out into the mis- use of drugs by people with a learning disability. What research there is suggests that it occurs but at a...

Too many pages: SCOVO's guide to involving service users to make services better

01 October 2001

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

There is a growing emphasis on the need to involve people with a learning disability in shaping and evaluating the services they use. The booklet Too Many Pages...

The therapist’s notebook for families

01 March 2003

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

This book argues that any successful treatment approach should focus on change and client strengths, taking into account the views, beliefs and attitudes of the...

Talkabout Activities

01 June 2003

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

There has been an increasing emphasis on the importance of the role of emotions in the lives of people with a learning disability. Research has shown that people...

Understanding Motor Skills in Children with Dyspraxia, ADHD, Autism, and Other Learning Disabilities

01 March 2008

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

Some children with developmental difficulties have associated problems with motor skills. As a result, they can become frustrated when they try to undertake motor...

Coping and complaining: attachment and the language of dis-ease

01 July 2003

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

This book identifies ‘dis-ease’ broadly as ‘not being at ease’. The author begins with the premise that the way in which our distress is responded to when we are...

Understanding Learning Disabilities Authors: Shelagh Mackinnon et al

01 June 2004

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

Providing a good quality service to people with a learning disability often relies on having well trained staff with skills and knowledge in a number of areas,...

Partnerships for training: An easy access pack for developing equal training partnerships with people with a learning disability

01 October 2007

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

There is an increasing recognition of the need to involve people with learning disabilities in all aspects of the services they use. So, as the director of a course...

Themed activities for people with learning difficulties

01 April 2003

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

Engaging individuals with severe intellectual impairments and complex needs can be challenging for families, support staff and professionals. We may be unsure where...