Results 1 - 10 of 26 Search Tips

Towards a UK triage scale

01 November 1996

Emergency Nurse


The concept of triage, which is now an everyday word in A&E departments throughout the UK, was first formalised in the early Eighties. It is now recognised as an...

Communication is the key

01 June 2002

Emergency Nurse


Being able to communicate with one another is something that we all take for granted. It is a vital part of our everyday existence; when you stop to think about it,...

Developing integrated emergency care

01 September 1998

Emergency Nurse


If the watchword of the Labour government is education then the watchword for the provision of emergency care should be integration.

From Star Wars to ‘turf wars’

01 September 1999

Emergency Nurse


Just as we are witnessing the re-emergence of Star Wars, it seems the ‘turf wars’ that have dogged A&E care are back. Since its inception as a specialty, A&E nurses...

An organic concept in nursing

01 September 2000

Emergency Nurse


It is fair to say that Tony Blair’s announcement of the consultant nurse caused much surprise in September 1998. What followed was a rapid consultation exercise and...

The third world is here

01 May 2001

Emergency Nurse


Not a comment you would usually associate with a leafy part of Surrey, but none the less one that was made in the BBC Panorama programme a few weeks ago about...

Demanding times

07 January 1998

Nursing Standard

News comment

CONSUMERISM IS sweeping the country, 24-hour shopping and banking are becoming commonplace. The NHS has joined the rush with plans to make it more responsive to...

Truly advanced practice

09 November 2004

Nursing Standard


THE TERM ‘advanced practice’ has become common over the past decade, but a shared understanding of what we mean by it has eluded us. I am sure I am not alone in...

‘Inappropriate attended’ in A&E

25 March 1992

Nursing Standard

Clinical patient assessment

With the current emphasis on reducing patient waiting times, accident and emergency nurses may be tempted to close the doors on what they consider to be...

Demanding times

01 February 1998

Emergency Nurse

News comment

Consumerism is sweeping the country, 24-hour shopping and banking are becoming commonplace. The NHS has joined the rush with plans to make it more responsive to...