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Recognising adrenal insufficiency

01 July 2002

Emergency Nurse


The cortices of the adrenal glands produce Cortisol and insufficient circulating levels of cortisol is virtually incompatible with life. Adrenal insufficiency (AI),...

The write stuff

06 June 2000

Nursing Standard


AS HEALTH PROFESSIONALS we often use a combination of the spoken word and written information to reinforce our messages and there is plenty of research to show that...

Rewards for challenges

17 May 2005

Nursing Standard

Career development

Experienced but still ambitious nurses may find that while they want to stay working in the healthcare field, they also want a different career experience, more...

Pharmaceutical parallel trade in the UK

03 August 2005

Nursing Standard

Book Review

Parallel trade is a practice whereby licensed importers purchase pharmaceuticals in a European Union (EU) member country, for example, Spain, with comparatively low...

From my perspective, the private sector is thriving

01 September 2009

Nursing Standard


Many people may be under the impression that the private healthcare sector is suffering during the recession (analysis August 12). But as a former nurse and now...

Measure up to the job

28 October 2008

Nursing Standard

Career & jobs

Three types of job interview are in common use and each is suited to particular situations. They are the one-to-one encounter, the panel interview and the assessment...

Buying cheaper drugs from abroad is a false economy

28 April 2009

Nursing Standard


Matt Griffiths raises some good points on the need to educate patients about the safety of medication from unknown sources and imported medicines (reflections April...

Tailored applications

25 June 2008

Nursing Standard

General Article

A workforce surplus means employers may handle many applications for any one position. The quality of your curriculum vitae (CV) and covering letter can make all the...

Undergraduates should be taught business skills

09 December 2008

Nursing Standard


I was interested to read chief nursing officer Dame Chris Beasley’s comments about nurses needing to develop business skills (news November 26).

Student life - First interview success

13 January 2009

Nursing Standard

Career development

Interviews have been described as a form of two-way business communication. This means that students applying for their first job can discover whether they want to...