Results 1 - 10 of 130 Search Tips

Legitimising best practice

01 February 2002

Emergency Nurse


Watching a programme about dinosaurs the other week, it occurred to me that their fate might well hold some lessons for healthcare. First, however, it is important...

Caring in Crisis (Second edition)

01 November 1993

Emergency Nurse

Book Review

I’ve often been struck by the number of maritime metaphors in A&E care; at night, the brightly lit exterior of many departments eerily resembles the bridge of a...

Who has the most contact with patients?

01 September 2002

Emergency Nurse


The great educationist Michael Oakshott once wrote that ‘education is a conversation between the generations’. It has an elegant simplicity and yet has some...

The line of least resistance

01 June 2004

Emergency Nurse


Chronic disease management (CDM) may not be the stuff of coffee room chat at the moment but it has the potential to alter emergency care dramatically.

Brave new world

01 December 2004

Emergency Nurse


‘Payment by results’ (PBR) is one of those management-speak phrases that can leave even managers cold, but it has the potential to both transform emergency care and...

Response to our readers

01 April 1997

Emergency Nurse


One of the perceived strengths of Emergency Nurse has been its accessibility to those who wish to keep up to date with their practice while being informed about...

A tribute to the Omagh nurses

01 October 1998

Emergency Nurse


I admit that when I rang Robert Sowney, Clinical Nurse Specialist in South Tyrone Hospital A&E department and a member of the RCN A&E Nursing Association Steering...

Refusing to be anyone’s victim

01 May 1999

Emergency Nurse


It’s a terrible indictment on a so-called caring profession to admit it, but most nurses have been bullied at some time in their professional lives.

Mixed feelings

01 September 2001

Emergency Nurse


The first time I went to the RCN A&E Nursing Association Annual Conference about ten years ago, I heard a speaker talk about patients being described as ‘pond-life’....

Grabbing opportunities

01 January 2002

Emergency Nurse


It would be churlish in the extreme to completely dismiss the emergency care reforms that have recently been announced by the Government, however, such is the...