Results 1 - 10 of 10 Search Tips

Modernising Cancer Services

01 October 2002

Cancer Nursing Practice

Book Review

Improving the care of people with cancer is often identified as a leading clinical priority of the current government. This book guages that improvement in terms...

Alarmism over chidhood cancer

01 September 2002

Cancer Nursing Practice


While we are pleased to see items relating to children in Cancer Nursing Practice, we were concerned at the content of a news item on this topic (News, May 2002).

Cancer services for children

01 July 2002

Cancer Nursing Practice


At the level of the national cancer agenda children are rarely either seen or heard. The NHS Cancer Plan scarcely mentions children and young people other than to...

Central venous access in children

01 July 1992

Paediatric Nursing

Intravenous care

The role of central venous access devices in the management of intravenous therapy in children has expanded greatly over the past ten years. This Ls due partly to...

Childhood cancer into the 21 st century

01 April 1997

Paediatric Nursing

Clinical paediatric oncology

This year we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the United Kingdom Childhood Cancer Study Group (UKCCSG), the organisation responsible for the development of regional...

Children’s cancer nursing – past, present and future

07 November 2017

Cancer Nursing Practice

Specialty development

Treatment for children’s cancer has changed significantly over the past 50 years. Once considered a fatal disease, the five-year survival rate is now over 80% for...

Draft guidance on children and young people

01 December 2004

Cancer Nursing Practice


Guidance on cancer care in children and young people has been a noticeable absentee from recent NHS initiatives focusing on cancer care in England and Wales....

Cancer service guidance

01 December 2004

Paediatric Nursing


Guidance on cancer care in children and young people has been a noticeable absentee from the recent NHS initiatives focusing on cancer care in England and Wales. The...

Improving outcomes: update on progress

10 May 2009

Paediatric Nursing


In 2005 the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) published guidance on improving outcomes in children and young people with cancer. The...

Educating children’s nurses for communicating bad news

01 October 2013

Nursing Children and Young People


Some parents are unhappy with the way news is broken to them. This article seeks to educate and inform the reflective practitioner on a series of communication...