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authors: Liz Darlison


Cancer Nursing Practice

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Results 1 - 10 of 15 Search Tips

Advances in lung cancer care

01 July 2008

Cancer Nursing Practice

Conference report

A new report by the Department of Health (DH) reveals that since the smoking ban was introduced a year ago, 234,060 people in England have stopped smoking with the...

National lottery

01 June 2009

Cancer Nursing Practice


THE THIRD annual report of the National Lung Cancer Audit (NHS Information Centre 2009) provides unparalleled evidence to inform the long-term debate about why...

The after effects of asbestos exposure

01 June 2008

Cancer Nursing Practice


In autumn 2006, I was lucky enough to travel to Australia, thanks to a University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust grant, to observe the care and support of...

Fatal fibres

01 July 2007

Cancer Nursing Practice


The government and cancer charities are calling for better treatment and care for those affected by mesothelioma as well as more research into the disease. According...

Impact of genome sequencing on cancer research and treatment

10 December 2015

Cancer Nursing Practice

Art & Science

Since the sequence of the human genome was first published in 2003, nowhere has its effect been more apparent than in the field of cancer research and, more...

Improving the nursing care of patients with mesothelioma

25 May 2011

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article describes the establishment and work of the national Mesothelioma Nurse Action Team, a nursing initiative aimed at improving the care and support of...

The experience of care for people affected by mesothelioma

11 March 2015

Cancer Nursing Practice

Art & Science

This article reports on an analysis of patient and carer free-text comments received in response to the first National Mesothelioma Experience Survey conducted in...

Findings from the National Mesothelioma Experience Survey

07 April 2014

Cancer Nursing Practice

Art & Science

This article reports on the results of the National Mesothelioma Experience Survey, which provided people with mesothelioma, and their families and carers, with an...

Mesothelioma: are nurses being put at risk in the workplace?

05 January 2021

Cancer Nursing Practice


Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive, rare cancer caused by exposure to, and inhalation of, asbestos, a fibre-like material once widely used in the building...

Mesothelioma: are nurses being put at risk in the workplace?

02 December 2020

Nursing Standard


Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive, rare cancer caused by exposure to and inhalation of asbestos fibres. The cancer is associated with traditionally...