Although the plethora of information leaflets directed at patients and their families are extremely useful, there is often room for improvement when it comes to quality. Julie Bragg offers some practical advice for novice leaflet producers
Many paediatric clinical areas rely on members of staff to prepare written information for families in their own time. Much of this information is prepared in A4-leaflet style in an effort to make the information user friendly and relatively quick, easy and inexpensive to reproduce. To the inexperienced, the task of leaflet production can be a time consuming and frustrating experience, but support is available if you know where to look for it. In this article, I have summarised the key objectives of every leaflet producer and some of resources which should be at your disposal, to ease the production process.
Nursing Children and Young People. 11, 8, 6-9. doi: 10.7748/paed.11.8.6.s10
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