The Person-centred Nursing and Person-centred Practice Frameworks: from conceptual development to programmatic impact
Brendan McCormack DPhil(Oxon), FRCN, FAAN, professor and head of the divisions of nursing, occupational therapy and art therapies; associate director, Centre for Person-centred Practice Research, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland
The development of the Person-centred Nursing and Person-centred Practice Frameworks has spanned over 20 years of research, practice development and evaluation activities. The original framework published in 2006, was developed for use in the intervention stage of a large quasi-experimental project that focused on measuring the effectiveness of the implementation of person-centred nursing in a tertiary hospital setting (McCormack and McCance 2006).
Nursing Standard.
35, 10, 86-89.
doi: 10.7748/ns.35.10.86.s40
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