Staff experiences of the nursing associate role in a community setting
Intended for healthcare professionals
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Staff experiences of the nursing associate role in a community setting

Julie Hedayioglu Health psychologist researcher, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust, Ashford, England
Shirley Yearsley Head of clinical academy (retired), Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust, Ashford, England
Glynn Nash National Institute for Health and Care Research public research champion, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust, Ashford, England
Krysia Waldock PhD researcher, University of Kent, Canterbury, England

Why you should read this article:
  • To recognise the potential benefits and challenges related to the nursing associate role

  • To learn about the experiences of the nursing associate role among clinical staff

  • To consider how the implementation of the nursing associate role could be improved in practice

The nursing associate role was introduced as a ‘bridge’ between healthcare assistants and nurses to support patient care. However, the role has involved many challenges in terms of its implementation in established nursing teams. This article details a service evaluation that explored the experiences of the nursing associate role among clinical staff in one community NHS trust using an online questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Three themes were identified from the data: nursing associate training and support; the nursing associate role in development; and nursing associate role recognition and prospects. Overall, the findings showed that trainee nursing associates enjoyed the academic aspects of their training, but support was variable. Additionally, the nursing associate role was viewed as being ‘in development’ and, while wider recognition of nursing associates is required, the nursing associate role offers a unique career opportunity.

Nursing Standard. doi: 10.7748/ns.2023.e12090

Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software


Conflict of interest

None declared

Hedayioglu J, Yearsley S, Nash G et al (2023) Staff experiences of the nursing associate role in a community setting. Nursing Standard. doi: 10.7748/ns.2023.e12090

Published online: 10 July 2023

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