What can we learn from other cultures about the care of older people?
Ann Gallagher Professor of ethics and care, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey
Michael Dunn Lecturer in health and social care ethics, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
Readers are invited to respond to research findings on the care of older people in different cultures
In the East, it is often claimed, families are strong, older people are respected and they are cared for at home until they die. However, in the West, families are commonly presented as dysfunctional and older people are considered a burden and put into care homes at the earliest opportunity. There is an even bleaker belief that Europeans use euthanasia to solve the problem of an ageing population.
Nursing Older People.
31, 6, 12-13.
doi: 10.7748/nop.31.6.12.s10
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