Using critical reflection to enhance the care of older people: a practice example
Intended for healthcare professionals
Evidence and practice    

Using critical reflection to enhance the care of older people: a practice example

Gayle Madden , Head of Admiral Nurse Academy, Dementia UK, London, England
Beth Goss-Hill , Deputy head of Admiral Nurse Academy, Dementia UK, London, England

Why you should read this article:
  • To refresh your knowledge of what critical reflection entails and its potential benefits

  • To enhance your understanding of some of the reflective models that nurses can use to support them

  • To consider how you could use critical reflection to enhance your practice

Reflection is an essential aspect of nursing practice that facilitates continuing professional development and practice improvement. Critical reflection is a more in-depth form of reflection and can be described as a creative, dynamic and transformative learning process that enhances practice by promoting self-awareness and critical thinking. Older adults often present with complex and multiple healthcare needs. Engaging in critical reflection can assist nurses to provide the high-quality, person-centred care required to meet those needs, support older people to retain their independence and enhance their well-being.

This article discusses critical reflection within the context of nursing older people and describes various models that can be used to support the reflective process. The authors use a practice example to illustrate how using critical reflection in practice can enable nurses to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and use what they have learned to enhance their delivery of person-centred care.

Nursing Older People. doi: 10.7748/nop.2024.e1465

Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software



Conflict of interest

None declared

Madden G, Goss-Hill B (2024) Using critical reflection to enhance the care of older people: a practice example. Nursing Older People. doi: 10.7748/nop.2024.e1465

Published online: 12 June 2024

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