• To understand the correct terminology used with gender identity
• To learn about the prevalence of mental health disorders among trans* young people
• To recognise the mental health issues that affect trans* young people
Trans* is an umbrella term that is used to describe a wide range of individuals who identify with a gender that is different from their assigned sex at birth. Many young trans* people are being referred to gender identity services and/or child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) with gender dysphoria and coexisting mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and self-harm. This group of young people are at risk of experiencing various challenges, such as stigma, discrimination and lack of understanding from their families, wider communities, educational institutions and healthcare services.
This article discusses the growing body of research and best practice guidelines related to the mental health and social needs of young people identifying as trans*. It aims to support mental health nurses to enhance their knowledge and awareness of the unique needs of these young people. It may also provide useful information to parents and/or carers, education providers, policymakers and mental health practitioners.
Mental Health Practice. doi: 10.7748/mhp.2020.e1490
Peer reviewThis article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and has been checked for plagiarism using automated software
Correspondence Conflict of interestNone declared
Litvin R, Trainor G, Dickinson T (2020) Issues affecting trans* young people: considerations for mental health nurses. Mental Health Practice. doi: 10.7748/mhp.2020.e1490
Published online: 04 August 2020
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