Supporting autistic refugees in the UK using the HOPE(S) model
Intended for healthcare professionals
Evidence and practice    

Supporting autistic refugees in the UK using the HOPE(S) model

Max Read HOPE(S) consultant, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, Prescot, England
Alexis Quinn Programme manager, Restraint Reduction Network, Birmingham, England

Why you should read this article:
  • To better understand the adverse conditions that autistic refugees are likely to experience in the UK

  • To appreciate how solitary confinement exposes autistic refugees to additional trauma or re-traumatisation

  • To find out how healthcare professionals can use the HOPE(S) model to support autistic refugees

Refugees are likely to have experienced considerable trauma in their life, even more so if they are autistic. The ‘hostile environment’ created in the UK to reduce the number of refugees claiming asylum is likely to have exacerbated the difficulties experienced by refugees, including in terms of access to healthcare services. Refugees detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 may experience restrictive practices and therefore be exposed to additional trauma or re-traumatisation. This article focuses in particular on the harmful effects of solitary confinement on autistic refugees and discusses how healthcare professionals can use the HOPE(S) model to support this population.

Learning Disability Practice. doi: 10.7748/ldp.2024.e2248

Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software



Conflict of interest

Max Read is a consultant with the HOPE(S) NHS England and Improvement Collaborative

Read M, Quinn A (2024) Supporting autistic refugees in the UK using the HOPE(S) model. Learning Disability Practice. doi: 10.7748/ldp.2024.e2248

Accepted 16 May 2024

Published online: 29 August 2024

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