The adult community learning disability team in Cornwall made a commitment to provide a better service for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). This resulted in audits against government papers and reports that encourage high-quality care for people with PMLD and a range of projects, including care pathway development and implementation, staff training and improving links with primary care. The care pathway aims to provide multidisciplinary assessment and intervention for people’s specialist health needs. Evidence shows that it has had a positive effect, but also identified areas for further work. Further recommendations have been proposed to improve care delivery for people with PMLD in the Cornwall adult learning disability service.
Learning Disability Practice. doi: 10.7748/ldp.2018.e1946
CitationCocquyt C (2018) Development of a multidisciplinary care pathway for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Learning Disability Practice. doi: 10.7748/ldp.2018.e1946
Peer reviewThis article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and has been checked for plagiarism using automated software
Correspondence Conflict of interestNone declared
AcknowledgementsThe author would like to thank the members of the multidisciplinary working group for their commitment and enthusiasm and Rebecca Goodey for her help in constructing the article
Published online: 13 November 2018
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